Crushing on K-Beauty: TSW Matt Fit Lipstick Review & Swatches

Hey guys and welcome to this week's BRAND SPANKING NEW post which is, again, going to be all about lipstick. Yes, I know, I'm kind of establishing a pattern, but I've just been so obsessed with trying out new colours and formulas lately, so why not continue on and briefly walk you through some of the latest arrivals to my makeup collection, which are three of the TSW Matt Fit Lipsticks.

Before we begin, just for a bit of background, these lipsticks are by a K-Beauty brand called TSW, who specialise in skincare and cosmetics and, my gosh, their entire range looks AMAZING! And, because Jolse are such babes (for those of you who didn't read my huge Jolse haul, they're a K-Beauty outlet offering free shipping worldwide and free gifts with every order, so be sure to check them out) I got the chance to test out some lippies free of charge and give you guys my take on them, i.e. spill the REAL tea, so, without any further ado, let's dive into this review!

Firstly, with regards to the actual packaging, these do appear fairly bulky, but I can assure you, that's only from a visual point of view, as they're surprisingly lightweight in the hand (but not to a point at which they feel cheap in any way). The matte slate grey colour and simplistic brand logo effortlessly add a sleek touch to the appearance, although, to be honest, I would have liked to have seen a slight pop of colour; these three lipsticks look like they're suffering from a severe case depression next to a couple of their more vivid counterparts on my makeup drawer. However, besides that one minor hiccup, there's nothing really to complain about - not too shabby there from TSW!

Moving onto the actual colours themselves, after spending about 72 hours deciding which three of the five shades available within the range I was gonna go for (that's right, I'm the absolute definition of indecisive), I picked up what I thought were the three least intense hues, leaving behind shades 'Cherry Blossom' and 'Sunny Orange', which are not quite to my taste. 

Again, similarly to the liquid lipsticks showcased within my last post, these babies have been very accurately named and don't require my expert description skills (sigh...), so, from top to bottom, here we have the shades:

  • Spring Rose
  • Maple Sunset
  • Blood Cherry

Okay, so I'm not quite sure how you're feeling about these at the moment but just know that I, myself, am SHOOK. Personally, I do gravitate more towards 'Maple Sunset' (it's such a unique yet wearable orange-tone rouge) and 'Blood Cherry' (no explanation required, you know I like my deep reds/burgundies) over 'Spring Rose' (I pictured it as being more mauve than bright pink based on the website - it's ended up looking way too overpowering against my skin tone), however, all three shades are very different and utterly STUNNING; I can see myself wearing these on a minimal eye makeup day in order to ensure the lip 'takes on its role' as the dominant feature within the look.  

Formula wise, I'm slightly on the fence as, to be honest, I would only go as far as to call these 'semi-matte'; there's too much extra transfer to provide the client with that 'matte' guarantee. Nevertheless, on application, these have a beautifully creamy and delicate texture, gliding onto the lip with ease and sitting comfortably throughout the day, as well as smelling similar to a bowl of fresh fruit and vanilla (in the most discreet manner, of course) which I dig. In addition, with this formula, the lips remain hydrated throughout all wearing hours, which means no 'crusty butthole lips' (thank you Steph Toms for not allowing that phrase or mental picture to vacate my poor mind) and no gross white residue line (you know exactly what I'm talking about) for you.

Overall, for $12.77 (they're currently on sale for $10.85 each - snap 'em up before they sell out, folks!), these are some really good quality lipsticks and YET AGAIN another steal from the K-Beauty cosmetic scene. Although we did come across a few faults, there are certainly more positives than there are negatives and, for me, the shade 'Maple Sunset' has become a staple within my collection, so I do consider this lipstick trial to have been a win. So, if you're looking for some new lipsticks and maybe, at the same time, are interested in either beginning or growing your K-Beauty collection (honestly, one of the best discoveries I've made, beauty-wise), you should definitely go over to Jolse ASAP and pick a couple of the TSW Matt Fit Lippies up with free shipping.

Thank you so much for reading this little Thursday night treat! I hope you enjoyed this K-Beauty instalment - I'm loving posting about K-Beauty at the moment, so you'll definitely be seeing more skincare and makeup items from Jolse going forward!

Have you tried K-Beauty yet? If not, what are you waiting for?

Let me know in the comment section below, along with any other elements of feedback you may wish to include, as well as questions and criticisms - I always appreciate finding out how I can tweak the reading experience for you guys on my blog to further improve it. Don't forget to follow this blog before leaving (that is, if you don't want to stay and check out some other posts before leaving... I won't stop you) in order to be updated automatically when I post!

Until next time,
Marina Rosie x 


  1. These lipsticks are so beautiful!

    Candice |

    1. Agreed, Candice! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  2. These are beautiful shades, I love all three of them!! I haven't bought new lipsticks in a long time (how strange for me haha!),I love how affordable these are!!


    1. If I hadn't bought new lipsticks in a long time, I'd get very crabby, it would be too strange haha! x I'm so glad you're loving those shades and the price tag - I was fairly impressed with these! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  3. I wouldn´t reach for Spring Rose that much either, these pinks clash with my skin tone, but the other two are beauties.

    Anne|Linda, Libra, Loca

    1. Yeah, I'm glad you agree with me on that one Anne - some pinks can really look weird against certain skintones and that is 100% the case with myself and this one! However, yes, the other two are definite keepers. x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  4. Maple sunset looks like it would be my GO TO! Thanks for sharing

    1. Yasss, sam here, Misti - it's gorgeous! Thanks for reading! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  5. Nice lipstick shades. Look gorgeous.

    1. They really are, thanks for reading! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  6. Replies
    1. You've got that right Sara! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  7. I'd love to give these a try!

    1. Yes, I'd totally recommend you doing so - you'd love them! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  8. OMG I am obsessed with these colours, especially the blood cherry. I think I will pick this up!

    1. So glad you're loving these darl! x Blood Cherry is a beauty - I love it for when I've got a more simple eye makeup look, as she really POPS! x Do pick it up! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  9. Could be a good Mother's Day Gift!

    1. I never thought of that but, yes, 100%! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  10. looks like these lippies are long lasting and perfect for my dry lips. i love the colors especially the spring rose.

    1. Yes, I can see Spring Rose looking gorgeous on your skin tone darl, although it didn't work for me. They are so hydrating as they don't dry down completely matte so yes, if you have dry lips, this formula won't accentuate any lines or dry flaky areas! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  11. Haha trying to accurately describe shade names is the bane of my existence, especially as my sister constantly tells me I am colour blind. These colours are so vibrant, really beautiful colours. Thank you for sharing, hope you are having a good weekend xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

    1. Haha, my dad is actually colour blind, so I got lucky as it skips a generation and is primarily present in males - my future baby boys might not be so lucky! I actually love thinking up shade name descriptions for these blog posts but I'm always worried that I'm saying something contradictory to how the brand has described it - they would know better as it's their shade, so it's definitely a tough spot! I totally agree Kiran, these are so bright and bold, I'm glad you've enjoyed reading about them! Have an amazing week beautiful! xxx
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  12. Such gorgeous colors! I do like the Maple sunset shade. I've only tried some over the counter!
    Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Hey there Jo! SO glad you've enjoyed this post - they really are some stunning shades! Ah, you should pick up Maple Sunset if you enjoyed your experience with it over the counter, it's so worth it! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  13. Ils sont vraiment très sympas ces rouges à lèvres :) je ne connaissais pas du tout la marque ! En tout cas merci pour cette découverte ;)

    1. Coucou ma belle, merci d'avoir lu ce blogpost! Oui, moi non plus je connaissais pas du tout cette marque coréenne avant de la découvrir sur Jolse mais, en vrai, ils sont trop bien! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  14. Thanks a lot :D

    all colors are amazing my dear!!!

    Instagram ∫ Facebook Official Page ∫ Miguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

    1. Thank you for reading again Miguel, I'm so glad you've been enjoying my posts and that you're a fan of these shades! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  15. Lovely post marina! like you, I love the Maple shade. What a pretty colour and I'd like to wear it someday!
    Ell xxx

    1. Thank you very much! x Yes, Maple Sunset is just gorgeous, you should so pick it up! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  16. I love all three shades! It's a shame they're not 100% matte but I imagine that makes them slightly more comfortable for every day wear. I hadn't heard of this brand before but I'll be checking them out now, thanks for the heads up! - Amy

    1. Thank you for reading Amy! x Yes, that is kind of a shame but I don't think they'd be any wear near as comfortable if they dried down completely! x Definitely check them out babe!
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  17. Love the colors and your swatches
    Something very nice

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

    1. Thank you very much Jane, I really appreciate that from you! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  18. I love the look of Matt lipsticks however they don’t look great on my lips 👄. These shades are so beautiful 😘💞💖

    1. Awe Darl, if it's about the dryness of the lips then what you're going to need to do is use a lip balm before application of a matte lipstick and what that will do for you is it will allow your lips a bit more space to breathe and the lipstick will feel a lot more comfortable throughout the day! xx Thanks so much for reading, I'm glad you like the shades! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  19. What a beautiful colors. I love the matt lipsticks, and the red ones are my favourites. <3

    1. Thank you very much for taking the time out to read today! x Yess, you've got to love a bold red matte! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  20. Finally all the shades that you chose after so much time haha! are really very pretty. I love the Maple Sunset a lot. Of course the other two are very pretty as well. :-)

    Via |

    1. Haha, it takes me ages to decide on even the simplest things! x They're all gorgeous, I'm also a huge fan of Maple Sunset as well as Blood Cherry, but Spring Rose just didn't suit me! It could look gorgeous on someone else though, like yourself! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie xx

  21. First of all I thought these are the Bite Beauty lipsticks :D Love the packaging and the shades are absolutely beautiful! I love kbeauty too, so I'll be waiting your posts on more of kbeauty goodies x


    1. OMG, I never made that connection but YES, Laura - they totally look like the Bite Beauty ones! x The packaging is so sturdy yet lightweight and the shades are definitely stunning, each in their own way! I've got a new one that was uploaded on Saturday the 19th of May on some Heimish rose goodies so, if you love K-Beauty, then that post is worth checking out next babe! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  22. These are totally my kind of shades and I honestly thought they were Bite Beauty lipsticks at first glance. I love lots of k-beauty skincare but I don't think I've really explore the makeup.

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

    1. Yes, after reading what Laura had to said about these as well, I reckon somebody down the line may have taken inspiration off of somebody else... hmmm! Regardless of that, these are, as you said, gorgeous shades - you should definitely explore the makeup side of K-Beauty, there are some AMAZING products! I'll have a post coming up soon dedicated to K-Beauty makeup, so just you wait! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

  23. I actually do get that white line residue, even on days where I don't wear lipstick, my lips are that dry unfortunately! Blood cherry is my kind of shade too, and I've always wanted to try a more orange-y lipstick so maple sunset looks good x

    Velvet Blush

    1. Amazing picks with the shades - we clearly have similar tastes as I love deep reds and, although at the beginning they were out of my comfort zone, burnt oranges! x For dry lips darl, there's only one lip balm that I can recommend fully (I live and die by it) and that is the 'Rêve de miel' lip balm by Nuxe - it's incredibly thick and nourishing and will leave your lips feeling amazing all day! I originally received it in PR but finished it and proceeded to buy another one myself it was that good! No more white line for you SISTER! x
      Lots of love,
      Marina Rosie x

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  25. Thank you! x
    Lots of love,
    Marina Rosie x

  26. A debt of gratitude is in order for the blog entry amigo! Keep them coming... Natural Lipstick


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